Shopping Impressions To me this ad in the elevator is saying „Depressed? Feeling a huge wave of resignation rolling towards you? Buy a new jacket now and expect to look fashionable while sadness is killing you!“Big malls in China seem to be designed as trial levels of Tomb Raider to teach Lara Croft climbing and jumping or as the inner of the Death Star to give Lord Vader and Luke a stage for the final encounter.Raising awareness of domestic violence against elevator doors is a big issue in China ... These doors have been slapped and verbally abused several times!Nowadays Korean Boy Bands caricature themselves and their outfits with dolls from Barbie. What times do we live in? *shake-head*Erected when music was delivered digitally on CDs exclusively or these trash bins have been imported from the US after they were through with the disposal of large piles of AOL-CDs. Zurück 1von5 Vor Jens Schendel2019-12-23T06:20:44+00:0023. Dezember 2019|Privatkrams, Unkategorisiert|Kommentare deaktiviert für Shopping Impressions