Root Zone Datenbank
Die Root-Zonen-Datenbank sorgt für das Routing und beinhaltet die Details der Top-Level-Domains, darunter gTLDs wie und landesweite TLDs wie uk.
Als Manager der DNS-Root-Zone ist die IANA verantwortlich für die Koordination der TLD in Übereinstimmung mit ihren Richtlinien und Verfahren.
Ein Großteil dieser Daten ist auch über die WHOIS-Protokoll auf erhältlich.
Domain | Type | Sponsoring Organisation |
.ac | country-code | Network Information Center (AC Domain Registry) c/o Cable and Wireless (Ascension Island) |
.ad | country-code | Andorra Telecom |
.ae | country-code | Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.aero | sponsored | Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautique (SITA INC USA) |
.af | country-code | Ministry of Communications and IT |
.ag | country-code | UHSA School of Medicine |
.ai | country-code | Government of Anguilla |
.al | country-code | Electronic and Postal Communications Authority – AKEP |
.am | country-code | Internet Society |
.an | country-code | University of The Netherlands Antilles |
.ao | country-code | Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Agostinho Neto |
.aq | country-code | Mott and Associates |
.ar | country-code | Presidencia de la Nación – Secretaría Legal y Técnica |
.arpa | infrastructure | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.as | country-code | AS Domain Registry |
.asia | sponsored | DotAsia Organisation Ltd. |
.at | country-code | GmbH |
.au | country-code | .au Domain Administration (auDA) |
.aw | country-code | SETAR |
.ax | country-code | Ålands landskapsregering |
.az | country-code | IntraNS |
.ba | country-code | Universtiy Telinformatic Centre (UTIC) |
.bb | country-code | Government of Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Telecommunications Unit |
.bd | country-code | Ministry of Post & Telecommunications Bangladesh Secretariat |
.be | country-code | DNS BE vzw/asbl |
.bf | country-code | ARCE-AutoritÈ de RÈgulation des Communications Electroniques |
.bg | country-code | Register.BG |
.bh | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.bi | country-code | Centre National de l’Informatique |
.biz | generic-restricted | NeuStar, Inc. |
.bj | country-code | Benin Telecoms S.A. |
.bl | country-code | Not assigned |
.bm | country-code | Registry General Ministry of Labour and Immigration |
.bn | country-code | Telekom Brunei Berhad |
.bo | country-code | Agencia para el Desarrollo de la Información de la Sociedad en Bolivia |
.bq | country-code | Not assigned |
.br | country-code | Comite Gestor da Internet no Brasil |
.bs | country-code | The College of the Bahamas |
.bt | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications |
.bv | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.bw | country-code | University of Botswana |
.by | country-code | Reliable Software Inc. |
.bz | country-code | University of Belize |
.ca | country-code | Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Autorite Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet (ACEI) |
.cat | sponsored | Fundacio puntCAT |
.cc | country-code | eNIC Cocos (Keeling) Islands Pty. Ltd. d/b/a Island Internet Services |
.cd | country-code | Office Congolais des Postes et Télécommunications – OCPT |
.cf | country-code | Societe Centrafricaine de Telecommunications (SOCATEL) |
.cg | country-code | ONPT Congo and Interpoint Switzerland |
.ch | country-code | SWITCH The Swiss Education & Research Network |
.ci | country-code | INP-HB Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny |
.ck | country-code | Telecom Cook Islands Ltd. |
.cl | country-code | NIC Chile (University of Chile) |
.cm | country-code | Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) |
.cn | country-code | Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
.co | country-code | .CO Internet S.A.S. |
.com | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.coop | sponsored | DotCooperation LLC |
.cr | country-code | National Academy of Sciences Academia Nacional de Ciencias |
.cu | country-code | CENIAInternet Industria y San Jose Capitolio Nacional |
.cv | country-code | Agência Nacional das Comunicações (ANAC) |
.cw | country-code | University of the Netherlands Antilles |
.cx | country-code | Christmas Island Internet Administration Limited |
.cy | country-code | University of Cyprus |
.cz | country-code | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o |
.de | country-code | DENIC eG |
.dj | country-code | Djibouti Telecom S.A |
.dk | country-code | Dansk Internet Forum |
.dm | country-code | DotDM Corporation |
.do | country-code | Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra Recinto Santo Tomas de Aquino |
.dz | country-code | CERIST |
.ec | country-code | NIC.EC (NICEC) S.A. |
.edu | sponsored | EDUCAUSE |
.ee | country-code | National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics |
.eg | country-code | Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) Supreme Council of Universities |
.eh | country-code | Not assigned |
.er | country-code | Eritrea Telecommunication Services Corporation (EriTel) |
.es | country-code | |
.et | country-code | Ethio telecom |
.eu | country-code | EURid vzw/asbl |
.fi | country-code | Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority |
.fj | country-code | The University of the South Pacific IT Services |
.fk | country-code | Falkland Islands Government |
.fm | country-code | FSM Telecommunications Corporation |
.fo | country-code | FO Council |
.fr | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.ga | country-code | Gabon Telecom |
.gb | country-code | Reserved Domain – IANA |
.gd | country-code | The National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) |
.ge | country-code | Caucasus Online |
.gf | country-code | Net Plus |
.gg | country-code | Island Networks Ltd. |
.gh | country-code | Network Computer Systems Limited |
.gi | country-code | Sapphire Networks |
.gl | country-code | TELE Greenland A/S |
.gm | country-code | GM-NIC |
.gn | country-code | Centre National des Sciences Halieutiques de Boussoura |
.gov | sponsored | General Services Administration Attn: QTDC, 2E08 (.gov Domain Registration) |
.gp | country-code | Networking Technologies Group |
.gq | country-code | GETESA |
.gr | country-code | ICS-FORTH GR |
.gs | country-code | Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) |
.gt | country-code | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala |
.gu | country-code | University of Guam Computer Center |
.gw | country-code | Fundação IT & MEDIA Universidade de Bissao |
.gy | country-code | University of Guyana |
.hk | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.hm | country-code | HM Domain Registry |
.hn | country-code | Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras |
.hr | country-code | CARNet – Croatian Academic and Research Network |
.ht | country-code | Consortium FDS/RDDH |
.hu | country-code | Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP) |
.id | country-code | IDNIC-PPAU Mikroelektronika |
.ie | country-code | University College Dublin Computing Services Computer Centre |
.il | country-code | Internet Society of Israel |
.im | country-code | Isle of Man Government |
.in | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.info | generic | Afilias Limited |
.int | sponsored | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.io | country-code | IO Top Level Domain Registry Cable and Wireless |
.iq | country-code | Communications and Media Commission (CMC) |
.ir | country-code | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences |
.is | country-code | ISNIC – Internet Iceland ltd. |
.it | country-code | IIT – CNR |
.je | country-code | Island Networks (Jersey) Ltd. |
.jm | country-code | University of West Indies |
.jo | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.jobs | sponsored | Employ Media LLC |
.jp | country-code | Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. |
.ke | country-code | Kenya Network Information Center (KeNIC) |
.kg | country-code | AsiaInfo Telecommunication Enterprise |
.kh | country-code | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications |
.ki | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Tourism Development |
.km | country-code | Comores Telecom |
.kn | country-code | Ministry of Finance, Sustainable Development Information & Technology |
.kp | country-code | Star Joint Venture Company |
.kr | country-code | Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) |
.kw | country-code | Ministry of Communications |
.ky | country-code | The Information and Communications Technology Authority |
.kz | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.la | country-code | Lao National Internet Committee (LANIC), Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications |
.lb | country-code | American University of Beirut Computing and Networking Services |
.lc | country-code | University of Puerto Rico |
.li | country-code | Universitaet Liechtenstein |
.lk | country-code | Council for Information Technology LK Domain Registrar |
.lr | country-code | Data Technology Solutions, Inc. |
.ls | country-code | National University of Lesotho |
.lt | country-code | Kaunas University of Technology Information Technology Development Institute |
.lu | country-code | RESTENA |
.lv | country-code | University of Latvia Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Network Solutions (DNS) |
.ly | country-code | General Post and Telecommunication Company |
.ma | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.mc | country-code | Gouvernement de Monaco Direction des Communications Electroniques |
.md | country-code | MoldData S.E. |
.me | country-code | Government of Montenegro |
.mf | country-code | Not assigned |
.mg | country-code | NIC-MG (Network Information Center Madagascar) |
.mh | country-code | Cabinet Office |
.mil | sponsored | DoD Network Information Center |
.mk | country-code | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
.ml | country-code | Agence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication |
.mm | country-code | Ministry of Communications, Posts & Telegraphs |
.mn | country-code | Datacom Co., Ltd. |
.mo | country-code | Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (DSRT) |
.mobi | sponsored | Afilias Technologies Limited dba dotMobi |
.mp | country-code | Saipan Datacom, Inc. |
.mq | country-code | MEDIASERV |
.mr | country-code | University of Nouakchott |
.ms | country-code | MNI Networks Ltd. |
.mt | country-code | NIC (Malta) |
.mu | country-code | Internet Direct Ltd |
.museum | sponsored | Museum Domain Management Association |
.mv | country-code | Dhiraagu Pvt. Ltd. (DHIVEHINET) |
.mw | country-code | Malawi Sustainable Development Network Programme (Malawi SDNP) |
.mx | country-code | NIC-Mexico ITESM – Campus Monterrey |
.my | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.mz | country-code | Centro de Informatica de Universidade Eduardo Mondlane |
.na | country-code | Namibian Network Information Center |
.name | generic-restricted | VeriSign Information Services, Inc. |
.nc | country-code | Office des Postes et Telecommunications |
.ne | country-code | SONITEL |
.net | generic | VeriSign Global Registry Services |
.nf | country-code | Norfolk Island Data Services |
.ng | country-code | Nigeria Internet Registration Association |
.ni | country-code | Universidad Nacional del Ingernieria Centro de Computo |
.nl | country-code | SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland) |
.no | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.np | country-code | Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. |
.nr | country-code | CENPAC NET |
.nu | country-code | The IUSN Foundation |
.nz | country-code | InternetNZ |
.om | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.org | generic | Public Interest Registry (PIR) |
.pa | country-code | Universidad Tecnologica de Panama |
.pe | country-code | Red Cientifica Peruana |
.pf | country-code | Gouvernement de la Polynésie française |
.pg | country-code | PNG DNS Administration Vice Chancellors Office The Papua New Guinea University of Technology |
.ph | country-code | PH Domain Foundation |
.pk | country-code | PKNIC |
.pl | country-code | Research and Academic Computer Network |
.pm | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.pn | country-code | Pitcairn Island Administration |
.post | sponsored | Universal Postal Union |
.pr | country-code | Gauss Research Laboratory Inc. |
.pro | generic-restricted | Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro |
.ps | country-code | Ministry Of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Government Computer Center. |
.pt | country-code | Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional |
.pw | country-code | Micronesia Investment and Development Corporation |
.py | country-code | NIC-PY |
.qa | country-code | The Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology (ictQATAR) |
.re | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.ro | country-code | National Institute for R&D in Informatics |
.rs | country-code | Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names (RNIDS) |
.ru | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.rw | country-code | Rwanda Information Communication and Technology Association (RICTA) |
.sa | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.sb | country-code | Solomon Telekom Company Limited |
.sc | country-code | VCS Pty Ltd |
.sd | country-code | Sudan Internet Society |
.se | country-code | The Internet Infrastructure Foundation |
.sg | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.sh | country-code | Government of St. Helena |
.si | country-code | Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) |
.sj | country-code | UNINETT Norid A/S |
.sk | country-code | SK-NIC, a.s. |
.sl | country-code | Sierratel |
.sm | country-code | Telecom Italia San Marino S.p.A. |
.sn | country-code | Universite Cheikh Anta Diop NIC Senegal |
.so | country-code | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications |
.sr | country-code | Telesur |
.ss | country-code | Not assigned |
.st | country-code | Tecnisys |
.su | country-code | Russian Institute for Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS) |
.sv | country-code | SVNet |
.sx | country-code | SX Registry SA B.V. |
.sy | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.sz | country-code | University of Swaziland Department of Computer Science |
.tc | country-code | Melrex TC |
.td | country-code | Société des télécommunications du Tchad (SOTEL TCHAD) |
.tel | sponsored | Telnic Ltd. |
.tf | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.tg | country-code | Cafe Informatique et Telecommunications |
.th | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.tj | country-code | Information Technology Center |
.tk | country-code | Telecommunication Tokelau Corporation (Teletok) |
.tl | country-code | Ministry of Infrastructure Information and Technology Division |
.tm | country-code | TM Domain Registry Ltd |
.tn | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d’Internet |
.to | country-code | Government of the Kingdom of Tonga H.R.H. Crown Prince Tupouto’a c/o Consulate of Tonga |
.tp | country-code | – |
.tr | country-code | Middle East Technical University Department of Computer Engineering |
.travel | sponsored | Tralliance Registry Management Company, LLC. |
.tt | country-code | University of the West Indies Faculty of Engineering |
.tv | country-code | Ministry of Finance and Tourism |
.tw | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.tz | country-code | Tanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC) |
.ua | country-code | Communication Systems Ltd |
.ug | country-code | Uganda Online Ltd. |
.uk | country-code | Nominet UK |
.um | country-code | Not assigned |
.us | country-code | NeuStar, Inc. |
.uy | country-code | SeCIU – Universidad de la Republica |
.uz | country-code | Computerization and Information Technologies Developing Center UZINFOCOM |
.va | country-code | Holy See Secretariat of State Department of Telecommunications |
.vc | country-code | Ministry of Telecommunications, Science, Technology and Industry |
.ve | country-code | Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL) |
.vg | country-code | Pinebrook Developments Ltd |
.vi | country-code | Virgin Islands Public Telcommunications System c/o COBEX Internet Services |
.vn | country-code | Ministry of Information and Communications of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam |
.vu | country-code | Telecom Vanuatu Limited |
.wf | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.ws | country-code | Government of Samoa Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade |
.测试 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.परीक्षा | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.한국 | country-code | KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) |
.ভারত | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.বাংলা | country-code | Not assigned |
.испытание | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.қаз | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan |
.срб | country-code | Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names (RNIDS) |
.테스트 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.சிங்கப்பூர் | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.טעסט | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.中国 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center |
.中國 | country-code | China Internet Network Information Center |
.భారత్ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.ලංකා | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.測試 | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.ભારત | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.भारत | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.آزمایشی | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.பரிட்சை | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.укр | country-code | Ukrainian Network Information Centre (UANIC), Inc. |
.香港 | country-code | Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd. |
.δοκιμή | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.إختبار | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.台湾 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.台灣 | country-code | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) |
.мон | country-code | Not assigned |
.الجزائر | country-code | CERIST |
.عمان | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.ایران | country-code | Not assigned |
.امارات | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) |
.پاکستان | country-code | Not assigned |
.الاردن | country-code | National Information Technology Center (NITC) |
.بھارت | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.المغرب | country-code | Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) |
.السعودية | country-code | Communications and Information Technology Commission |
.سودان | country-code | Not assigned |
.مليسيا | country-code | MYNIC Berhad |
.გე | country-code | Not assigned |
.ไทย | country-code | Thai Network Information Center Foundation |
.سورية | country-code | National Agency for Network Services (NANS) |
.рф | country-code | Coordination Center for TLD RU |
.تونس | country-code | Agence Tunisienne d’Internet |
.ਭਾਰਤ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.مصر | country-code | National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority – NTRA |
.قطر | country-code | Supreme Council for Communications and Information Technology (ictQATAR) |
.இலங்கை | country-code | LK Domain Registry |
.இந்தியா | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India |
.新加坡 | country-code | Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd |
.فلسطين | country-code | Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology (MTIT) |
.テスト | test | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
.xxx | sponsored | ICM Registry LLC |
.ye | country-code | TeleYemen |
.yt | country-code | AFNIC (NIC France) – Immeuble International |
.za | country-code | ZA Domain Name Authority |
.zm | country-code | ZAMNET Communication Systems Ltd. |
.zw | country-code | Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) |
Stand: 26.03.2013